20 research outputs found

    Rendimiento forrajero de Pennisetum spp en la Huasteca Veracruzana.

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    La diversidad de especies de pasto que existen llevo a ésta investigación con siete Pennisetum que se adaptan a condiciones de la huasteca veracruzana, a determinar su potencial productivo en referencia a la materia seca, relación hoja–tallo, índice de área foliar y altura. La investigación se realizó en Tantoyuca, Veracruz en las instalaciones del Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tantoyuca durante la época de lluvias del año 2012, se establecieron bajo un sistema de temporal siete variedades de Pennisetum; Elefante Merkeron, Roxo, Taiwán, King grass, CT- 115 y Maralfalfa, en parcelas de 25 m2 en un diseño experimental completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones. De una sola planta se separaron tallos y hojas para determinar su contenido de materia seca y se midió el largo y ancho de las hojas para calcular el índice de área foliar; para la determinación de la relación hoja–tallo se tomaron tres plantas y por separado, tallo y hoja se secaron hasta peso constante. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias entre los distintos tratamientos logrando identificar que la variedad CT 115 sobresalió en el rendimiento de materia seca e índice de área foliar pudiendo deducir que las variedades Elefante y Roxo se consideran como los mejores para las condiciones de la región por mostrar los mejores resultados en términos de relación hoja–tallo, toda vez que la mayor cantidad y disponibilidad de nutrientes se encuentran en la parte foliar y no en el tallo

    Comparación del efecto antihelmintico de dos productos comerciales y la harina de follaje de cocuite en ovinos pelibuey

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar el efecto antihelmíntico de dos productos comerciales y la harina de follaje (hojas y ramas tiernas) de cocuite (G. sepium) incorporada a bloques multinutricionales, en el control de parásitos gastrointestinales en ovinos Pelibuey (Ovis aries L.), con base en la cantidad de huevecillos por gramo de heces (HPG), el Test de Reducción de Recuento de Huevos, determinación de género de helmintos presentes en las muestras (TRRH), consumo de bloques multinutricionales (BM), conteo de hematocritos (HCT) y FAMACHA® valoración de palidez en conjuntiva ocular. Se manejó la hipótesis que dado el contenido de compuestos secundarios presentes en la harina de follaje (hojas y ramas tiernas) de cocuite (G. sepium), es posible que con la ingesta por parte de ovinos se controlen helmintos gastrointestinles. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con mediciones repetidas, comparando 4 tratamientos y 6 repeticiones por tratamiento. Los datos fueron analizados usando un análisis de varianza y el procedimiento GLM del programa estadístico Statistica, versión 12.0. En el recuento de HPG se observó diferencias significativas (p = 0.01) durante el periodo experimental. Los tratamientos en los que se utilizaron productos comerciales (T1 y T2) mostraron una eficacia TRH del 33.3% y 96.2% respectivamente. El tratamiento T3 (follaje de G. sepium) mostró una eficacia de (64.8%) en la TRH en la segunda semana después del tratamiento. En la determinación de los valores de hematocritos HCT se observó diferencias significativas (p = 0.01) entre los tratamientos (T0, T1, T2 y T3) hasta el día 14 de muestreo con valores de 13.17±0.41; 15.50±1.05; 31.00±1.90 y 22.50±1.64 respectivamente. Se concluye, que la incorporación de la harina de G. sepium en la dieta de ovinos coadyuva en la reducción de la carga de helmintos gastrointestinales, debido a su  contenido de metabolitos secundarios y al mejorar el estado nutricional por su contenido de proteína

    Control in vitro de Mocis latipes presente en pastizales de Tantoyuca, Veracruz

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar en laboratorio el potencial biocontrolador de Metarhizium anisopliae sobre Mocis latipes presente en pastos ganaderos del Municipio de Tantoyuca, Veracruz. La investigación se desarrolló en el año 2019; los microorganismos nativos se obtuvieron de 48 muestras compuestas de suelo, tomadas dentro de las unidades de producción ganaderas sin perturbación o poco transitadas, estas muestras se inocularon gusanos trampa (larvas de Galleria mellonella). Se aislaron tres cepas de Metarhizium anisopliae en medio agar-papa-dextrosa. Cada una de estas se inoculó sobre un grupo de 10 insectos adultos de Mocis latipes. Las pruebas de patogenicidad realizadas mostraron que los aislados nativos del género Metarhizium anisopliae, son promisorios para el control de Mocis latipes, con los que se puede plantear un control efectivo de esta especie a pesar de ser una plaga esporádica y voraz. Es necesario aplicar estas cepas en campo y evaluarlas en otras especies de insectos como mosca pinta (Aeneolamia spp., Prosapia spp.), las cuales son una plaga de importancia económica que afecta las gramineas forrajeras cultivadas en la Huasteca Veracruzana. El hongo Metarhizium anisopliae, el cual habita en diferentes tipos de suelo, podría ser usado para el control de plagas por su potencial como agente biocontrolador. Existen pequeñas poblaciones de este hongo en el suelo por lo que es necesario reproducirlas masivamente

    Inclusión de diferentes concentraciones de Moringa oleifera lam. en dietas para pollos de engorda

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la inclusión de harina de hoja de moringa en la dieta de pollos durante los primeros 21 días del periodo de engorda en sistemas de producción familiar o de traspatio como una alternativa para reducir los costos por compra de ingredientes proteicos y generar productos de origen animal de manera eficiente. El trabajo se realizó en la Huasteca Hidalguense utilizando 84 pollos de sexo mixto, en un diseño completamente al azar, con tres tratamientos, cuatro repeticiones considerando siete pollos por unidad experimental. Los tratamientos consistían en la sustitución de la pasta de soya por la harina de hoja de moringa en las dietas de engorda como sigue, tratamiento 1 Control; tratamiento 2 (10% moringa) (TM10) y tratamiento 3 (20% moringa) (TM 20). Los datos obtenidos se analizaron con el paquete estadístico STATISTICA versión 10, utilizando como modelo general lineal un ANDEVA. Los resultados mostraron que el TM 20 generó mayor consumo de alimento, el tratamiento sin moringa con mayor ganancia de peso y el tratamiento con 10% de moringa con la mejor conversión alimenticia, con base a esto se concluye que la inclusión de moringa en dietas para pollos de engorda en etapa de crecimiento en cantidades mayores al 10%, incrementa el consumo de alimento, sin embargo, la ganancia de peso y la eficiencia alimenticia disminuyen

    Distribution of the monthly global solar irradiation in the State of Tabasco, Mexico

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    Objective: The objective was to estimate the mean monthly global solar irradiation (Rg), using observed data on cloudiness (% of cloudy days), as well as its spatial distribution for the state of Tabasco. Design / Methodology / Approach: The model proposed by Tejeda-Martínez et al. (1999) was adjusted to estimate the Rg of 35 meteorological stations in the state of Tabasco. The adjustment was done with daily observed Rg data from eight automated meteorological stations and with cloud cover data from eight ordinary weather stations. Results: The proposed model presented a good fit, since its prediction was optimal according to the Willmott comparison parameter (c = 0.89), and excellent based on the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (E = 0.99); and it had a high adjusted coefficient of determination Rc2 = 0.87. Study limitations / implications: The number of automated stations needs to be increased in the state of Tabasco, as well as to provide technical maintenance to existing stations. Findings / conclusions: The estimated Rg is statistically reliable. The highest Rg values were shown in the dry season, with a maximum of 22.99 MJ m-2 d-1, mainly distributed in the northern part of the state. The minimum Rg values were obtained in the cold-rainy season (12.52 MJ m-2 d-1) distributed in more than 80% of the total surface of the state. Key words: Willmott's index, cloud cover, transmissibility, heliophanyObjective: To estimate the monthly average global solar irradiance (Rg), using observed cloudiness data (% of cloudy days), as well as its spatial distribution for the state of Tabasco, Mexico.Design/Methodology/Approximation: The proposed model by Tejeda-Martínez et al. (1999) was adjusted to estimate the Rg of 35 meteorological stations in the state of Tabasco. The adjustment was performed with daily observed Rg data fromeight automated weather stations and cloudiness data from eight ordinary weather stations. Results: The proposed model reports a good fit, given that its prediction was optimal according to Willmotts comparison parameter (c = 0.89), and excellent based on the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency index (E = 0.99) and had a high corrected determination coefficient of Rc2 = 0.87.Study limitations/implications: It is necessary that in the state of Tabasco the number of automated stations increase, as well as technical maintenance to the existing stations.Findings/conclusions: The estimated Rg is statistically reliable. The highest Rg values occurred during the dry season, with a maximum of 22.99 MJ m -2 d -1 , distributed mainly in the northern part of the state. The lowest Rg values occurredduring the northeast season (12.52 MJ m -2 d -1 ), distributed in more than 80 % of the total state area

    Climate and soil effect on oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) yield

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    Objective: To determine the potential yield and the water-limited yield in oil palm producing areas in the state of Tabasco. Design/Methodology/Approach: The ERIC III v. 3.2 database (IMTA, 2009) was used to select climatological stations with daily records of precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, reaching over 20 years. To estimate the potential yield, the methodology proposed by the FAO and improved by Fischer et al. (2012) was used. The estimation of the annual water deficit was done from the climatic water balance, using the equation reported by Ruiz-Álvarez et al. (2012). Results: The average potential yield of oil palm with a high level of inputs varies between 35.8 and 40.6 t ha-1 of fresh fruit bunches. The water-limited yield can vary on average between 15.6 and 23.5 t ha-1 in plantations of at least 8 years of age, under rainfed conditions. The decrease in the maximum average achievable yield due to soil moisture deficits ranges from 19.2% to 49.5%. Study limitations/implications: It is necessary to include climate change horizons in future studies to determine their impact on potential and water-limited yields, to know the future theoretical economic profitability of the crop. Findings/conclusions: The analysis between the yields indicates that, if the gap between the current yields and water-limited yields is closed, there would be increases between 6.5 and 14.4 t ha-1 and between 72.8% and 129% more, with respect to the potential yield. Key words: yield gap, annual water deficit, water balance, potential yield.Objective: To determine potential and water-limited yields in oil palm producing areas in the State of Tabasco, México. Design/Methodology/Approach: The ERIC III v. 3.2 database (IMTA, 2009) was used to select climatological stations with daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature records, going back to more than 20 years. The methodology proposed by the FAO and improved by Fischer et al. (2012) was used to estimate the potential yield. The equation reported by Ruiz-Álvarez et al. (2012) was used to estimate the annual water deficit from the climatic water balance. Results: The average potential yield of oil palm with a high level of inputs varies from 35.8 to 40.6 t ha-1 of fresh fruit bunches. The average water-limited yield can vary from 15.6 to 23.5 t ha-1 in plantations of at least 8 years of age, under rainfed conditions. The reduction in the maximum average attainable yield was the result of 19.2-49.5% soil moisture deficits. Study limitations/Implications: In order to determine their impact on potential and water-limited yields, climate change horizons must be included in future studies; this would enable researchers to establish the future theoretical economic profitability of the crop. Findings/Conclusions: The analysis between the yields indicates that —if the gap between the current yields and water-limited yields is closed— output and percentage would be 6.5-14.4 t ha-1 and 72.8-129% higher than the potential yield.

    Genotyping low-grade gliomas among hispanics

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    Q2164-172Background. Low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are classified by the World Health Organization as astrocytoma (DA), oligodendroglioma (OD), and mixed oligoastrocytoma (OA). TP53 mutation and 1p19q codeletion are the most-commonly documented molecular abnormalities. Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1/2 mutations are frequent in LGGs; however, IDH-negative gliomas can also occur. Recent research suggests that ATRX plays a significant role in gliomagenesis. Methods. We investigated p53 and Olig2 protein expression, and MGMT promoter methylation, 1p19q codeletion, IDH, and ATRX status in 63 Colombian patients with LGG. The overall survival (OS) rate was estimated and compared according to genotype. Results. The most common histology was DA, followed by OD and OA. IDH1/2 mutations were found in 57.1% and MGMT+ (positive status of MGMT promoter methylation methyl-guanyl-methyl-transferase gene) in 65.1% of patients, while overexpression of p53 and Olig2 was present in 30.2% and 44.4%, respectively, and 1p19q codeletion in 34.9% of the patients. Overexpression of ATRX was analyzed in 25 patients, 16% tested positive and were also mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase and negative 1p19q-codelition. The median follow-up was 15.8 months (95% CI, 7.6–42.0) and OS was 39.2 months (95% CI, 1.3–114). OS was positively and significantly affected by MGMT+, 1p19q codeletion, surgical intervention extent, and number of lobes involved. Multivariate analysis confirmed that MGMT methylation status and 1p19q codeletion affected OS. Conclusions. This is the first study evaluating the molecular profile of Hispanic LGG patients. Findings confirmed the prognostic relevance of MGMT methylation and 1p19q codeletion, but do not support IDH1/2 mutation as a relevant marker. The latter may be explained by sample size and selection bias. ATRX alterations were limited to patients with DA and were mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase and negative 1p19q-codelition

    Memorias de investigación: Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.

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    Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.Esta publicación busca divulgar investigaciones y producción académica en diferentes disciplinas, realizadas por estudiantes y docentes de UNIMINUTO Seccional Antioquia – Chocó, así como dar a conocer los semilleros de investigación que participaron en la V Feria de Semilleros, con el fin de visibilizar el trabajo que realiza el Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo de UNIMINUTO Bello —CIDUB—, con respecto a debates académicos y espacios de interlocución. Igualmente, permite que la comunidad educativa conozca los temas de investigación y las discusiones que se están dando entre los semilleros y grupos de investigación, para así buscar puntos de encuentro y sinergias entre los investigadores. Adicionalmente, el texto se convierte en una invitación para que se vinculen otros investigadores, docentes, estudiantes e incluso otras instituciones a los procesos investigativos coordinados desde el CIDUB

    Memorias de investigación: Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.

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    Feria de Semilleros y Jornadas de Investigación de uniminuto, Seccional Antioquia - Chocó.Esta publicación busca divulgar investigaciones y producción académica en diferentes disciplinas, realizadas por estudiantes y docentes de UNIMINUTO Seccional Antioquia – Chocó, así como dar a conocer los semilleros de investigación que participaron en la V Feria de Semilleros, con el fin de visibilizar el trabajo que realiza el Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo de UNIMINUTO Bello —CIDUB—, con respecto a debates académicos y espacios de interlocución. Igualmente, permite que la comunidad educativa conozca los temas de investigación y las discusiones que se están dando entre los semilleros y grupos de investigación, para así buscar puntos de encuentro y sinergias entre los investigadores. Adicionalmente, el texto se convierte en una invitación para que se vinculen otros investigadores, docentes, estudiantes e incluso otras instituciones a los procesos investigativos coordinados desde el CIDUB

    Factors Associated with the Onset of Ovarian Activity of Cattle Commonly Reared in the Huasteca Veracruzana, Mexico

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    Objective: This research aimed to identify the factors that affect the onset of ovarian activity in prepuberal heifers in the Huasteca Veracruzana of Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Samplings were taken from animal production units of the municipality of Tantoyuca, Veracruz. The onset of ovarian activity was determined by the presence of ovarian follicles and corpus luteum by ultrasonography technique. Zoometric indices and body condition were calculated at the same time, and it was registered the zootechnical practices that were given to the animals in the last six months before the sampling day. A poll was applied to characterize the management of animal production units, the main topics in the poll were: health, reproduction, nutrition, and nursing. All animals available within selection criteria in the production units were sampled. A multiple linear regression (Statistical Analysis Software Version 9.4) and cluster analysis (R Studio Version 1.1.419) were used to identify the main categorical variables that affected the model. Results: The onset of ovarian activity mainly depends on the anatomic development of the heifers. The biostimulation (male effect) on the heifers, has an important effect on reducing the age at puberty. Limitations on study/implications: The investigation was developed during a long drought period in the region. Findings/conclusions: The genetic mosaic of the evaluated animals in the production units did not affect the onset of ovarian activity of the heifers, however, those crossbred (Bos taurus x Bos indicus) begin the ovarian activity younger.Objective: To identify the factors that affect the onset of ovarian activity in prepuberal heifers in the Huasteca Veracruzana of Mexico.Design/Methodology/Approach: Samples were taken from animal production units of the municipality of Tantoyuca, Veracruz. The onset of ovarian activity was determined by the presence of ovarian follicles andncorpus luteum by ultrasonography technique. Zoometric indices and body condition were calculated at them same time, and the zootechnical practices that were applied to the animals in the last six months before thesampling day were registered. A survey was applied to characterize the management of animal productionunits; the main topics in the survey were: health, reproduction, nutrition, and suckling. All animals available within selection criteria in the production units were sampled. A multiple linear regression (Statistical Analysis Software Version 9.4) and cluster analysis (R Studio Version 1.1.419) were used to identify the main categorical variables that affected the model.Results: The onset of ovarian activity depends mainly on the anatomical development of the heifers. The biostimulation (male effect) on the heifers has an important effect on reducing the age at puberty.Study Limitations/Implications: The study was developed during a long drought period in the region.Findings/Conclusions: The genetic mosaic of the evaluated animals in the production units did not affect the onset of ovarian activity of the heifers; however crossbred heifers (Bos taurus ? Bos indicus) begin the ovarian activity younger